Gekido: The Dark Angel – New Details and Screens

Gekido, the world roaming brawler being developed by Italy’s NAP’s team has raised more than a few eyebrows, and with good reason, the game looks intriguing to say the least. IGN managed to snag a rare interview with the team in which they discuss among other things, gameplay features and style, story, the main characters resemblance to a certain sword wielding demon slayer, and Joe Mad. Oh, and there were some pretty screens sprinkled in for good measure!
Gekido on PSone was a kind of old school scrolling Beat’em up. This new Gekido, what kind of genre will be?
Gekido PSP is a real, complete 3D fighting action adventure, but it doesn’t mean fighting will be a kind of fill-in features as in many adventure games. You will face real fighting challenges; the player has to study the opponent to defeat it! And they will be hard to kill! We were tired over hack’n slash games where all you have to do is press random buttons just to perform cool moves and nothing else. Nothing has prepared you for this, I swear!
What do you say to people saying main character of Gekido is quite similar to Dante?
Well, I think it’s time to meet our hero! He is called Samuel, and about Dante’s similar look, I suppose the only common thing between the two characters is the white hair color. Samuel and Dante are very different each other (not just visual). Just let me say Samuel has a skirt and a short brown leather jacket with black trousers D&G (very Indy), Does it really remind people of Dante’s green trousers and long red coat? Or it’s just because our hero is cool as the great Dante 😉
Can you tell us a little more about environment, story and characters? What about NPCs?
The game and story tells about an ancient italic village and its citizens (we are Italian! so we decided to tell something more about the secrets of a place we very well know). Shortly … story tells about an archaeologist searching for a legend hidden into unveiled scrolls. A legend lost in time when demons controlled the earth. I can’t tell you more about it for the moment, but I can say characters will have an important role into the story and game flow.

Gekido, the world roaming brawler being developed by Italy’s NAP’s team has raised more than a few eyebrows, and with good reason, the game looks intriguing to say the least. IGN managed to snag a rare interview with the team in which they discuss among other things, gameplay features and style, story, the main characters resemblance to a certain sword wielding demon slayer, and Joe Mad. Oh, and there were some pretty screens sprinkled in for good measure!
Gekido on PSone was a kind of old school scrolling Beat’em up. This new Gekido, what kind of genre will be?
Gekido PSP is a real, complete 3D fighting action adventure, but it doesn’t mean fighting will be a kind of fill-in features as in many adventure games. You will face real fighting challenges; the player has to study the opponent to defeat it! And they will be hard to kill! We were tired over hack’n slash games where all you have to do is press random buttons just to perform cool moves and nothing else. Nothing has prepared you for this, I swear!
What do you say to people saying main character of Gekido is quite similar to Dante?
Well, I think it’s time to meet our hero! He is called Samuel, and about Dante’s similar look, I suppose the only common thing between the two characters is the white hair color. Samuel and Dante are very different each other (not just visual). Just let me say Samuel has a skirt and a short brown leather jacket with black trousers D&G (very Indy), Does it really remind people of Dante’s green trousers and long red coat? Or it’s just because our hero is cool as the great Dante 😉
Can you tell us a little more about environment, story and characters? What about NPCs?
The game and story tells about an ancient italic village and its citizens (we are Italian! so we decided to tell something more about the secrets of a place we very well know). Shortly … story tells about an archaeologist searching for a legend hidden into unveiled scrolls. A legend lost in time when demons controlled the earth. I can’t tell you more about it for the moment, but I can say characters will have an important role into the story and game flow.