Get In Synch with SNTP Client v0.0

SNTP ClientComputer clocks are infamous for drifting. One day you think you’re all in synch (no direct relation to the boyband), but what you don’t know is that you can easily drift seconds per day, resulting to errors over time.

It may sound severe, but think about this. Say, you’re using your Nintendo DS or DS Lite as an alarm clock, however, because you’ve let the seconds continue on drifting, you got late for a very important appointment.

Fortunately, MoonShell and ReinMoon.”>Infantile Paralysiser, creator of MoonShell, has come up with an SNTP Client that would keep you in synch (again no relation to the boyband) with the rest of the computing world. Just a little background for those not so familiar with what SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is, it’s a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks.

The only reason to be late now is if you stayed up all night playing Nintendogs.

Download: [SNTP Client v0.0]

Via mdxonline

SNTP ClientComputer clocks are infamous for drifting. One day you think you’re all in synch (no direct relation to the boyband), but what you don’t know is that you can easily drift seconds per day, resulting to errors over time.

It may sound severe, but think about this. Say, you’re using your Nintendo DS or DS Lite as an alarm clock, however, because you’ve let the seconds continue on drifting, you got late for a very important appointment.

Fortunately, MoonShell and ReinMoon.”>Infantile Paralysiser, creator of MoonShell, has come up with an SNTP Client that would keep you in synch (again no relation to the boyband) with the rest of the computing world. Just a little background for those not so familiar with what SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is, it’s a protocol for synchronizing the clocks of computer systems over packet-switched, variable-latency data networks.

The only reason to be late now is if you stayed up all night playing Nintendogs.

Download: [SNTP Client v0.0]

Via mdxonline

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