Get the most WoW from your PC with WoWLoader v2.2b


Modern MMORPGs are quite system intensive and we at the QJ office speak for everyone when we say that there’s nothing worse than getting a big chunk of lag when engrossed in the closest of battles, only to find the ‘release spirit’ button in the middle of the screen when your computer finally recovers. This isn’t something that you can do much about if it is related to your internet connection, however VoidRaider has released a Windows application today that will help you get the most system resources free to get World of Warcraft running as smooth as it possibly can on your PC.

WoWLoader v2.2b is a small Windows application that halts all non-essential Windows Services and automatically loads World of Warcraft, giving you the most system resources available for you to play WoW on the highest graphic settings your computer can handle. Don’t sound too scared about what this program does, It’s not shutting the services permanently but instead stops them from being resident in the memory so that you have maximum system resources available for the game. It won’t crash your PC or cause any damage; although you will have to restart your PC to re-enable the services.

The Microsoft Windows .NET framework 2.0 is required to run this application.

Download: [WoWLoader v2.2b]
Download: [Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0]

Via WorldofWar


Modern MMORPGs are quite system intensive and we at the QJ office speak for everyone when we say that there’s nothing worse than getting a big chunk of lag when engrossed in the closest of battles, only to find the ‘release spirit’ button in the middle of the screen when your computer finally recovers. This isn’t something that you can do much about if it is related to your internet connection, however VoidRaider has released a Windows application today that will help you get the most system resources free to get World of Warcraft running as smooth as it possibly can on your PC.

WoWLoader v2.2b is a small Windows application that halts all non-essential Windows Services and automatically loads World of Warcraft, giving you the most system resources available for you to play WoW on the highest graphic settings your computer can handle. Don’t sound too scared about what this program does, It’s not shutting the services permanently but instead stops them from being resident in the memory so that you have maximum system resources available for the game. It won’t crash your PC or cause any damage; although you will have to restart your PC to re-enable the services.

The Microsoft Windows .NET framework 2.0 is required to run this application.

Download: [WoWLoader v2.2b]
Download: [Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0]

Via WorldofWar

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