Get!T v0.1 – download the unzip files on PSP
If you need a light homebrew application for the Sony PlayStation Portable which allows you to download and unzip files, Maxy_PSP‘s Get!T may be worth a shot. It’s functional, and will soon get new features. Find its debut release at the full article.
Download: Get!T v0.1
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Homebrew Development Forum
Homebrew developer Maxy_PSP from Team Chilt dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Homebrew Development Forum to release a simple yet convenient homebrew application for the Sony PlayStation Portable. The initial release, Get!T version 0.1, allows users to download files using an interface that utilizes the PSP OSK.
To let you in on what Maxy_PSP came up with, here’s the feature list of Get!T:
- Use of PSP OSK (On Screen Keyboard)
- Use of PSP Internet dialog
- Set Download URL
- Set Save URL
- Automatically detect zip files and ask to unzip them
- Can copy files from one place on memory stick to another
- Automatically detect Local(ms0:/) or Web(http://) Links
Since this is the earliest version, homebrew app Get!T reportedly has a bug that freezes the PSP after users encounter an error message when trying to download. There’s also also a good chunk in Maxy_PSP’s to-do list, such as allow the homebrew app to unrar files and play music files. We’re sure to keep tabs on Get!T as it shapes up, so watch this space for updates!
Download: Get!T v0.1
Visit: QJ.NET PSP Homebrew Development Forum