Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 unveiled
Well, let’s beef the earlier announcement up and make a ton of tactical shooter and Tom Clancy fans happy today. Arriving Spring 2007, well-protected in armored Stryker vehicles, will be Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360, the PSP, and the PC (okay, maybe not in Strykers, but c’mon, these soldiers know how to rock and roll!).
This sequel to BAFTA’s 2006 Game of the Year will build off the events of the first GRAW, with Mexico plunging into civil war and America looking mighty jittery about it.
Ubisoft is also promising beefed up AI and improved Cross-Com in GRAW2, to give you an unprecedented view of the battlefield ahead. And because that battlefield will definitely not give your team a warm and peaceable-like welcome, a new team member’s been thrown into the Ghosts: a medic. It don’t take a degree in military science to explain the benefits of that.
Geez, no wonder the teaser for GRAW2 ends with “Medic! Get Mitchell!” Enjoy that and four screencaps/concept art right below.
Well, let’s beef the earlier announcement up and make a ton of tactical shooter and Tom Clancy fans happy today. Arriving Spring 2007, well-protected in armored Stryker vehicles, will be Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360, the PSP, and the PC (okay, maybe not in Strykers, but c’mon, these soldiers know how to rock and roll!).
This sequel to BAFTA’s 2006 Game of the Year will build off the events of the first GRAW, with Mexico plunging into civil war and America looking mighty jittery about it.
Ubisoft is also promising beefed up AI and improved Cross-Com in GRAW2, to give you an unprecedented view of the battlefield ahead. And because that battlefield will definitely not give your team a warm and peaceable-like welcome, a new team member’s been thrown into the Ghosts: a medic. It don’t take a degree in military science to explain the benefits of that.
Geez, no wonder the teaser for GRAW2 ends with “Medic! Get Mitchell!” Enjoy that and four screencaps/concept art right below.