God of War 3 release date confirmed?
Hungry to hear more about God of War 3? We spotted a bit of news that might be interesting to you if the lure of Kratos rocks your boat. According to site The Game Reviews, the release date and some details have been confirmed by the developers themselves. See the full article and tell us what you think.
We know a lot of you are looking forward to God of War 3 updates from Sony. The lure of Kratos is stronger than ever, and a news bit over at website The Game Reviews caught our eye. A release date for God of War 3 for the Sony PlayStation 3, they say, has been confirmed.
“We were recently able to get confirmation for the release of God of War 3,” they said. “After speaking to the developers at the Video Game Awards, they confirmed with us, that the long assumed date of 2009.”
“The title will support 1080p graphics and will have both Sixaxis and rumble support<” continues the site. “Unfortunately, we have little more info that we care share with you at this date.”
How you want to take the information is entirely up to you. We’ll try to dig deeper into this matter and give you updates as soon as we can.