God of War Blu-ray Compilation Disc not making it to Europe this year, BUT is region-free
September 3, 2009
Sorry, Europe. But you’re not getting God of Wars I & II on the PS3. Well, just not this year. Hopefully.
Sorry, Europe. But you’re not getting God of Wars I & II on the PS3. Well, just not this year. Hopefully.
We are currently looking into options to bring God of War I & II to SCEE consumers on PS3; however it will not be possible to release the games this calendar year. We will provide further information in due course.
That would be a Sony rep talking in an official statement, name withheld presumably for his own safety. North American peeps, you’re getting it this holiday. Maybe you’d like to send a copy down to your good ol’ European buddy, eh? Come on, spread the holiday cheer. It will be region-free, after all. Sony said so.
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Via VG247