God of War II secret HD mode dropped in Euro release

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European gamers are getting a hit again. According to CVG, the secret HD mode in the God of War sequel has been dropped from the European release due to disc space issues.

Apparently, a Sony Europe spokesperson told CVG that the HD option “isn’t available in the European release because there wasn’t enough space on the disc to allow for it. Whereas the US version still had enough room to incorporate this feature it had to be removed for ours because we had to use the final disc space for localization (all the extra European languages).”

So why is this in the PS3 blog? Well, if you have a PS3, you can still play God of War II in 576p. CVG says that provided you use the HDMI cable, the game will work on the PS3 and run in 576p thanks to a bit of upscaling from Sony’s next gen videogame console.


God of War 2 - Image 1

European gamers are getting a hit again. According to CVG, the secret HD mode in the God of War sequel has been dropped from the European release due to disc space issues.

Apparently, a Sony Europe spokesperson told CVG that the HD option “isn’t available in the European release because there wasn’t enough space on the disc to allow for it. Whereas the US version still had enough room to incorporate this feature it had to be removed for ours because we had to use the final disc space for localization (all the extra European languages).”

So why is this in the PS3 blog? Well, if you have a PS3, you can still play God of War II in 576p. CVG says that provided you use the HDMI cable, the game will work on the PS3 and run in 576p thanks to a bit of upscaling from Sony’s next gen videogame console.


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