God of War website: those hinting hyperlinks…

We don’t know what it is with Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, and highly suggestive official websites (…not that kind of highly suggestive official website). Play around with the PlayStation portal for God of War, and you’ll find a couple of Omega hyperlinks: one on top of the title, and one to the right of Kratos.

One omega, two omega, three omega, four... - Image 1 

The top one simply pops a “PSP – Coming Soon, 2007” banner, before reverting back to what it was pre-click. Simple enough. Click the right one, though, and the background image behind Kratos changes.

Five omega, six omega, seven omega... more. - Image 1 

Does this hint at the storyline behind God of War PSP? Remember Jaffe saying that there’s more to Kratos’ story than the primary God of War trilogy (or quadrology or plus, if it gets to that)? Okay, who wants to play detective? (Remember: the clues are not just in the website. They may be in the games themselves.)

Unless, of course, the right Omega hints at the God of War 3 storyline…

We don’t know what it is with Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, and highly suggestive official websites (…not that kind of highly suggestive official website). Play around with the PlayStation portal for God of War, and you’ll find a couple of Omega hyperlinks: one on top of the title, and one to the right of Kratos.

One omega, two omega, three omega, four... - Image 1 

The top one simply pops a “PSP – Coming Soon, 2007” banner, before reverting back to what it was pre-click. Simple enough. Click the right one, though, and the background image behind Kratos changes.

Five omega, six omega, seven omega... more. - Image 1 

Does this hint at the storyline behind God of War PSP? Remember Jaffe saying that there’s more to Kratos’ story than the primary God of War trilogy (or quadrology or plus, if it gets to that)? Okay, who wants to play detective? (Remember: the clues are not just in the website. They may be in the games themselves.)

Unless, of course, the right Omega hints at the God of War 3 storyline…

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