Google’s WiFi Receives Mixed Reactions From Mountain View California
Google has launched its newest service in the form of Wi-Fi in Mountain View“>Mountain View, California early this week. It is a part of the internet giant’s proposed plans to blanket metropolitan areas throughout the US with free wireless internet access.
Ron Geary, deputy community development director for Mountain View is optimistic for the Wi-Fi network. Says Geary, “This is a very technology-oriented community thatÂ’s looking forward to using it in a million ways.”
The response of the residents, however, were found to be varied. While some have absolutely not heard of this new service from Google, some have expressed that they probably will not be able to use the internet access as they are holding on to their T-Mobile accounts. The Google connection was tested at a local Starbucks, which was offering a competing T-Mobile Wi-Fi service for a fee, and it was found to have low connection speeds, coming in at 131 kbps for downloading and 99 kbps for uploading.
An insight gained from this test of Google’s Wi-Fi was that they would probably have to strengthen their indoor access, so that more people would make use of the network. As of now, Google’s service is found to work best outdoors.
Via wired
Google has launched its newest service in the form of Wi-Fi in Mountain View“>Mountain View, California early this week. It is a part of the internet giant’s proposed plans to blanket metropolitan areas throughout the US with free wireless internet access.
Ron Geary, deputy community development director for Mountain View is optimistic for the Wi-Fi network. Says Geary, “This is a very technology-oriented community thatÂ’s looking forward to using it in a million ways.”
The response of the residents, however, were found to be varied. While some have absolutely not heard of this new service from Google, some have expressed that they probably will not be able to use the internet access as they are holding on to their T-Mobile accounts. The Google connection was tested at a local Starbucks, which was offering a competing T-Mobile Wi-Fi service for a fee, and it was found to have low connection speeds, coming in at 131 kbps for downloading and 99 kbps for uploading.
An insight gained from this test of Google’s Wi-Fi was that they would probably have to strengthen their indoor access, so that more people would make use of the network. As of now, Google’s service is found to work best outdoors.
Via wired