Got problems with WoW’s rep changes?
For players of MMO games, their characters’ reputation is very important, probably as important as their lunch money or their next meal. This especially rings true for Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. We need not go into the details of leveling and raiding and stuff, you know how all those go anyway.
Now, we’ve came across this one curious lament from an avid WoW player in the game’s official forum. According to Vaughd, the player’s avatar, he is rather surprised with the game’s current reputation changes. He claimed that he stopped playing WoW for a while and when he returned, he found it quite ridiculous that cross-racial rep is so easy to get now. He specifically pointed out Exalted.
Well, we don’t know if you guys share Vaughd’s dilemma but his post merited enough comments for a Blizzard official to take notice of it. Drysc answered back:
What an odd complaint. Well it was changed so that a player leveling from 1-70 didn’t really need to stop and work on a specific city reputation. With the expansion and the higher level cap there’s really no reason to make those reputations a goal to work towards, the process would have been trivialized by the expansion itself anyway.
If not by runecloth drops then by sheer monetary gain and level/power increase. Obviously that’s not true for all of the reputations in Azeroth though.
There. It seemed that Drysc was quite offended by this comment. Come on, guys. WoW is having enough problems already given the The Burning Crusade launch thingamajig and various bugs that need to be fixed at once. We guess problems like this can be sorted out by players on their own.
But how do you guys find the rep changes for WoW?
For players of MMO games, their characters’ reputation is very important, probably as important as their lunch money or their next meal. This especially rings true for Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft. We need not go into the details of leveling and raiding and stuff, you know how all those go anyway.
Now, we’ve came across this one curious lament from an avid WoW player in the game’s official forum. According to Vaughd, the player’s avatar, he is rather surprised with the game’s current reputation changes. He claimed that he stopped playing WoW for a while and when he returned, he found it quite ridiculous that cross-racial rep is so easy to get now. He specifically pointed out Exalted.
Well, we don’t know if you guys share Vaughd’s dilemma but his post merited enough comments for a Blizzard official to take notice of it. Drysc answered back:
What an odd complaint. Well it was changed so that a player leveling from 1-70 didn’t really need to stop and work on a specific city reputation. With the expansion and the higher level cap there’s really no reason to make those reputations a goal to work towards, the process would have been trivialized by the expansion itself anyway.
If not by runecloth drops then by sheer monetary gain and level/power increase. Obviously that’s not true for all of the reputations in Azeroth though.
There. It seemed that Drysc was quite offended by this comment. Come on, guys. WoW is having enough problems already given the The Burning Crusade launch thingamajig and various bugs that need to be fixed at once. We guess problems like this can be sorted out by players on their own.
But how do you guys find the rep changes for WoW?