Grand Theft Auto 4 banned in UAE
Like other M-rated games, Grand Theft Auto 4 (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3) was hit by the United Arab Emirates ban hammer. Authorities don’t want the offensive Rockstar Games title in the hands of UAE’s citizens, but gamers managed to secure copies anyway. Head over to the full article for details.
Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto IV (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3) has taken an unsurprising turn in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where the violent video game was banned by authorities. The most apparent reason would be the Grand Theft Auto series’ history of rejection due to offensive content.
Red Entertainment Distribution, responsible for distributing Grand Theft Auto 4 in the territory, reportedly sent the Ministry of Information a copy for review. “They have to take a lot of things under consideration,” said Red Entertainment marketing manager Nitin Mathew.
However, nobody expects the UAE government to give its approval. Gamers in that region then have to look for alternative ways to acquire Rockstar North‘s latest opus, such as the duty-free shop at the Dubai Airport where 40 copies of Grand Theft Auto 4 sold out at launch day. Despite the ban, the shop expects shipment of the game in two or three months.
Buy: [ Grand Theft Auto IV (Xbox 360) ]
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