Grand Theft Auto 4 rated 18+ in Germany
Ready and waiting for GTA IV (Xbox 360, PS3) to hit the gaming community? Well, if you’re in Germany, you might want to learn of a small detail we learned about the game’s rating: it’s going to only be sold to gamers no younger than 18. That’s right – you’ll have to be of legal age in order to buy this particular title anywhere in Germany. More details about this after the jump.
For those of us living in the European side of the world, here’s a heads-up regarding Rockstar North‘s upcoming next-gen epic, Grand Theft Auto 4 for the Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 – it’s been given the rating of 18+ by the Uberhaltungssoftware Selbskontrolle website. Yep – you’ll have to be of legal age in order to purchase this particular game from anywhere in Germany.
While we can say it was inevitable, it’s also quite reassuring that Grand Theft Auto IV didn’t get a higher age rating than that. After all, the Adults Only rating (if one remembers the Manhunt 2 fiasco) is pretty much what game developers consider as a death sentence to their IPs, as it blocks the game from being sold in local outlets. We can only hope that it would be the same case in Manhunt 2other parts of the world. Updates as we get them!
Buy: [ GTA IV (PS3) ]
Buy: [ GTA IV (Xbox 360) ]