Grand Theft Auto IV trailer parody: Grand Theft Shaman IV

What happens when you mix Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft with Rockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto IV? Well, apparently you get Grand Theft Shaman IV. This spoof of the GTA IV trailer is hilarious. I mean, they’ve decided to cast Niko as a Draenei Shaman, tentacles and all.

The video is pretty well made, and the choice of shots were pretty good. They even copied the train scenes and the walk taken by Niko across the bridge. It would have been better if they added in some “in-game footage” to spice it up but the parody sticks very closely to its source material. Before watching the video be sure to check out the GTA IV trailer in the full article so you don’t miss the nuances of the parody.

Anyway, enough chit-chat. Here is the video of Grand Theft Shaman. If you want to compare both vids, you can check out the full article.

Check out the original GTA IV trailer after the jump!

What happens when you mix Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft with Rockstar GamesGrand Theft Auto IV? Well, apparently you get Grand Theft Shaman IV. This spoof of the GTA IV trailer is hilarious. I mean, they’ve decided to cast Niko as a Draenei Shaman, tentacles and all.

The video is pretty well made, and the choice of shots were pretty good. They even copied the train scenes and the walk taken by Niko across the bridge. It would have been better if they added in some “in-game footage” to spice it up but the parody sticks very closely to its source material. Before watching the video be sure to check out the GTA IV trailer we’ve included first so you don’t miss the nuances of the parody.

Anyway, enough chit-chat. Here is the video of Grand Theft Shaman and the GTA IV trailer to compare it to. Enjoy.

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