graphDS WIP: Math on your DS
MorganDS has released his new Math application for the DS. This program is still a work in progress, but for now, you can already make use of its calculator functions, along with other features.
To find out what they are and more, read on over at the full article.
Download: graphDS WIP – Calculator
Math can be a very taxing and intimidating subject. But with your trusty DS around, it should no longer be a problem. MorganDS has come out with his GraphDS program and it’s bound to get you guys clicking away at those numbers.
He explains that the GraphDS is a “very primitive program” which implements the class and performs calculations. Eventually, what he plans to happen for this program is to be a sort of graphing calculator which will include the following:
- expression evaluation
- graphing
- calculus tools (ie. slope fields and Euler’s method)
- definite integrals
- Riemann sums
Do note, however, that this is still a work in progress, so there’s no doubt that we’ll be hearing more from MorganDS regarding this app. But in the meantime, feel free to check out the calculator. It’s already got he following actions working:
- addition/subtraction
- multiplication/division
- exponents
- parentheses
- basic trig functions
Download: graphDS WIP – Calculator
Via PaLib