Greenberg talks Xbox Live Primetime, next big update won’t be up till Christmas
As Aaron Greenberg of Microsoft has a lot to say about a lot of things, Eurogamer sat down with him to give him the floor. Among the many things they discussed was the window date for the next Xbox Live Update.
As Aaron Greenberg of Microsoft has a lot to say about a lot of things, Eurogamer sat down with him to give him the floor. Among the many things they discussed was the window date for the next Xbox Live Update.
Says Greenberg, after the launch of the New Xbox Experience, the team has been focusing on the launch of their next big thing, the Primetime channel for the Spring. Of course, there are also the smaller updates that will be released throughout the year for the NXE. The thing is, it looks like there won’t be any hugely significant update at all until the next holidays.
We will definitely package some things together, but we haven’t specifically committed to doing just two big updates. We want to add new features when they’re ready. Then, for holiday perhaps, we’ll do something big. But exactly how that will work remains to be seen.
So the priority will be on the smaller updates and a one-time, big-time drop for the big update?
Yeah, I think that’s a fair assessment. Primetime’s going to be a significant update, and others will be coming in the spring, but we won’t necessarily have a day when the switch gets flipped. The great benefit of the design is that we’re able to add new features, new channels and things like that pretty quickly. So yeah, you’ll see us do more regular updates throughout the year.
Hmmm.. It might have been a good move on Microsoft’s part to delay Primetime’s launch and not force it with the NXE. We’ll be on the lookout for more updates on this one. In the meantime, if you want to read up on the full interview, just follow the source link below. Greenberg also talks about their competition with Sony, as well as how he looks forward to playing LittleBigPlanet.
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Via Eurogamer