GT Pro Series 2 Giveaways at Myer One

Wii Bundle at MyerThe early bird catches the worm indeed. And in the case of Wii, the bird being the frequent shoppers at Australia’s Myer One. The worm? A free copy of one of the newest games announced by Ubisoft: the GT Pro Series 2!

Take note, this Myer bundle is different from the vouchers every one who pre-ordered will be getting. You have to be a part of the special frequent shoppers program. Incidentally, doesn’t this just confirm that GT Pro Series 2 will be heading to Australia launch for launch? We think so.

So to those who haven’t pre-ordered their Wii yet, there is still hope. Just sign up for Myer One at the Myer One website. Once you got your card, be ready to spend $40 dollars for that Wii Myer bundle.


Wii Bundle at MyerThe early bird catches the worm indeed. And in the case of Wii, the bird being the frequent shoppers at Australia’s Myer One. The worm? A free copy of one of the newest games announced by Ubisoft: the GT Pro Series 2!

Take note, this Myer bundle is different from the vouchers every one who pre-ordered will be getting. You have to be a part of the special frequent shoppers program. Incidentally, doesn’t this just confirm that GT Pro Series 2 will be heading to Australia launch for launch? We think so.

So to those who haven’t pre-ordered their Wii yet, there is still hope. Just sign up for Myer One at the Myer One website. Once you got your card, be ready to spend $40 dollars for that Wii Myer bundle.


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