Guild Wars cheaters banned…and executed

executeCheating has been around for nearly as long as that Chinese take-out in your fridge, and many folks have come up with many different methods in dealing with them. There’s the usual banhammer, account deletion, but everyone really just wants to stick a kitchen knife into their heads. Seeing as that’s wrong and all, Guild Wars went for something a little different.

Cheating has been around for nearly as long as that Chinese take-out in your fridge, and many folks have come up with many different methods in dealing with them. There’s the usual banhammer, account deletion, but everyone really just wants to stick a kitchen knife into their heads. Seeing as that’s wrong and all, Guild Wars went for something a little different.


Once they spot that you were involved in “botting and match manipulation”, you will automatically be banned. Guilds found guilty will be also disbanded. 3,700 accounts have already been banned earlier this week.


But here’s the fun part:




To send out a message to the would-be cheaters and to the amusement of the interwebs, banned accounts are publicly executed by “Dhunn”, which is pretty much the Guild Wars equivalent of the Grim Reaper.





[via Kotaku]

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