Guild Wars opens contest for Wintersday Festival
It’s almost the last day of November and the holiday season is just around the corner. So what, you might have said. Well, the whole Guild Wars team would like for you to lie low a bit on your PvPs and GvGs and focus on the upcoming festivity. In fact, developer NCSoft just announced the opening of the first annual Guild Wars Wintersday Art Contest.
If you have any original piece of art in mind that has been bugging you for weeks now, this is the right time to express your creativity and bring them out. Be it a poster, an invitation to the Wintersday Festival or a collage of seasonal art – it’s a go! As long as you give it a traditional winter holiday theme and of course, a Guild Wars flavor.
Those who want to join can just draw or use whatever media they feel comfortable with (screenshots, renders, concept art, icons, photographs, or any other Guild Wars images). Save the file then as a JPEG format and send it via e-mail or postal mail. Several copies of Nightfall collectors edition, t-shirts and other prizes will be given away.
The contest runs starting today and ends by noon, PST on December 14. For a complete list of contest mechanics and prizes, kindly click on the read link below.
It’s almost the last day of November and the holiday season is just around the corner. So what, you might have said. Well, the whole Guild Wars team would like for you to lie low a bit on your PvPs and GvGs and focus on the upcoming festivity. In fact, developer NCSoft just announced the opening of the first annual Guild Wars Wintersday Art Contest.
If you have any original piece of art in mind that has been bugging you for weeks now, this is the right time to express your creativity and bring them out. Be it a poster, an invitation to the Wintersday Festival or a collage of seasonal art – it’s a go! As long as you give it a traditional winter holiday theme and of course, a Guild Wars flavor.
Those who want to join can just draw or use whatever media they feel comfortable with (screenshots, renders, concept art, icons, photographs, or any other Guild Wars images). Save the file then as a JPEG format and send it via e-mail or postal mail. Several copies of Nightfall collectors edition, t-shirts and other prizes will be given away.
The contest runs starting today and ends by noon, PST on December 14. For a complete list of contest mechanics and prizes, kindly click on the read link below.