Guild Wars State of the Game: on 2008 RAWR Cup Title Series essentials
This issue of NCsoft‘s Guild Wars State of the Game is all about the events that happened during the first major third-party sponsored tournament known as the 2008 RAWR Cup Title Series. More details about the tourney at the full article!
This time in NCsoft‘s Guild Wars State of the Game, it’s not about the metagame or the hottest skills used by the best guilds. The first major third-party sponsored tournament with hefty real world prices, the 2008 RAWR Cup Title Series held by guild Rebel Rising and website GuildCafe, took the spotlight.
To join the tournament, hopefuls had to register on GuildCafe and wait for special access keys given to Guild Leaders. 72 guilds including Guild Ladder leader Delta Formation signed up to fight for Acer 22″ widescreen LCD monitors, Logitech G9 Laser Gaming Mice, special edition RAWR Cup t-shirts, and bragging rights.
Participants were divided into Dragon, Phoenix, and Titan divisions depending on their Guild Ladder rankings to level the playing field. Such a setup, however, did not prevent exciting battles from happening. There were plenty of surprise victories and tight Victory or Death matches, turning RAWR into a grand brawl.
For the full State of the Game and highlights of the tournament, head over to Guild Wars‘ website through the Via link below.
Via Guild Wars