Guillemot: Ubisoft’s got big online plans for ’09

Ubisoft logo - Image 1Prepare yourself for 2009 as Ubisoft promises something big to come your way, particularly in the online department. Yves Guillemot shares their company’s outlook to the new year, and yeah, it’s gonna involve MMOs.

Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft CEO - Image 1Early this month, while everybody else were sacking people because of the sucky economy, French-based company Ubisoft went on its way, doing some company shopping.

Among those they picked up was World in Conflict (PS3, Xbox 360, PC) developer Massive Entertainment. It was obvious then that Ubisoft has far greater plans, intending to branch out to online gaming.

Today, this much is confirmed and re-asserted as the Ubisoft CEO stated their company’s “big” online plans for the year 2009. He said,

We plan to launch at least two products, so I can’t say yet what the impact of that will be. But we expect to make big launches on those two games. I don’t think it will be huge, but it will be the start of a new trend that will accelerate later.

They’ve also begun venturing out on more DLCs, starting off with Rainbow Six Vegas and Ghost Recon. Their upcoming Prince of Persia title will also be getting its own dose of DLC-happiness.

We’ll just have to wait for more info on what MMO game they’re doing, but it sure looks like we’re getting closer to seeing a Tom Clancy MMO. Keep it posted here for more news and updates.

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