Guitar Hero Faceplate Project: DIY mod for guitar controllers
Tracing paper, sharpies, a piece of artwork, tape, scissors and a pencil: these are the ingredients that you’ll need to help customize your own Guitar Hero controller. Shuanfu has posted some easy do-it-yourself tips on how to create your own guitar controller mod given the materials above.
For those of you who are looking to add a little “zing” into those guitar controllers of yours while playing Activision‘s Guitar Hero, you might want to take a look at the details of how to mod your own controller, which can be found in the full article.
Tracing paper, sharpies, a piece of artwork, tape, scissors and a pencil: these are the ingredients that you’ll need to help customize your own Guitar Hero controller. Shuanfu has posted some easy do-it-yourself tips on how to create your own guitar controller mod given the materials above.
For those of you who are looking to add a little “zing” into those guitar controllers of yours while playing Activision‘s Guitar Hero on the Nintendo Wii, you might want to take a look at the details of how to mod your own controller.
Shuanfu recommends using paint, especially for plastic, so the colors won’t mix and bleed when you color in your artwork. Other commenters on the blog also suggested using Crayola Window Clingers when tracing any design you want, since they’re the peel and stick kind and won’t fall off after you’re done.
The project itself is fairly cheap in cost, he mentions. Markers and paint will cost an average of US$ 5 and US$ 10, while the tracing paper comes in a hefty package for under US$ 2. Everything else depends on the complexity of your artwork and how long you’re willing to spend time working on it.
You can check out the step-by-step details on how to do this artistic mod through the via link below. Seeing as how Shuanfu’s finished products came out, jamming on a pair of those babies can definitely bring out the rock star in you. So if you aren’t satisfied with those Le Paul controllers that come with Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, Wii), then maybe you want to try your hand out in making your own wicked axe.