Guitar Hero III guitar faceplates revealed

Guitar Hero 3 faceplates - Image 1 We’ve got faceplates for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, so why can’t we have faceplates for accessories? Since faceplates on controllers does seem to be a tad unwieldy, accessory faceplates are instead created for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock‘s guitars instead.

And such faceplates they are. Xbox Family managed to snag a shot of six different guitar faceplates from their insider source, and they all look way beyond just cool, despite the grainy quality of the picture. Our favorites are the metallic chrome finish and the edgy Jolly Roger faceplate featuring a skull-and-crossbones motif.

There’s no indication if all console versions for Activision‘s Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC) will have the nifty guitar decorations, but let’s all hope for the best. Check this space often for updates!

Guitar Hero 3 faceplates - Image 1 We’ve got faceplates for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, so why can’t we have faceplates for accessories? Since faceplates on controllers does seem to be a tad unwieldy, accessory faceplates are instead created for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock‘s guitars instead.

And such faceplates they are. Xbox Family managed to snag a shot of six different guitar faceplates from their insider source, and they all look way beyond just cool, despite the grainy quality of the picture. Our favorites are the metallic chrome finish and the edgy Jolly Roger faceplate featuring a skull-and-crossbones motif.

There’s no indication if all console versions for Activision‘s Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PC) will have the nifty guitar decorations, but let’s all hope for the best. Check this space often for updates!

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