Guitar Superhero: custom controllers at Funde Razor
Now this is just completely awesome on a lot of levels. Someone took the time and elbow grease to make handmade Guitar Hero II controllers, and these babies are going to be prizes for the Child’s Play fund raiser happening this Friday.
Three handmade GH2 controllers are going to be given out as prizes for the Funde Razor, a fund-raising event for the benefit of Child’s Play, the charity organization created by Penny Arcade‘s Gabe and Tycho. We’re not sure how they’re going to be given out, whether as a raffle or part of a Guitar Hero competition, but it’s definitely something hardcore Guitar Hero gamers can use to become guitar superheroes.
We only wish there were specs to mod your own. Still, fitting a control scheme into an electric guitar is just full of unbeatable awesomeness. The Funde Razor, now on its second year, will be set to rock everyone’s socks off on December 6 at Brooklyn’s Barcade, with the party starting at 8 p.m.
Games and booze to help make kids happy? Sounds like a good deal! Enjoy!
Now this is just completely awesome on a lot of levels. Someone took the time and elbow grease to make handmade Guitar Hero II controllers, and these babies are going to be prizes for the Child’s Play fund raiser happening this Friday.
Three handmade GH2 controllers are going to be given out as prizes for the Funde Razor, a fund-raising event for the benefit of Child’s Play, the charity organization created by Penny Arcade‘s Gabe and Tycho. We’re not sure how they’re going to be given out, whether as a raffle or part of a Guitar Hero competition, but it’s definitely something hardcore Guitar Hero gamers can use to become guitar superheroes.
We only wish there were specs to mod your own. Still, fitting a control scheme into an electric guitar is just full of unbeatable awesomeness. The Funde Razor, now on its second year, will be set to rock everyone’s socks off on December 6 at Brooklyn’s Barcade, with the party starting at 8 p.m.
Games and booze to help make kids happy? Sounds like a good deal! Enjoy!