Hackers Vs Sony, A Homebrew Game (*UPDATED*)
A very interesting homebrew game came our way recently. DreaDNoughT wrote to us (thanks for that!) about this game that he has worked on called “Hackers Vs Sony“. The good developer together with virons (who was responsible for the gfx) slaved on this one for a week and the game is well, you guessed it – hackers going up against the Sony people.
The story revolves around how Sony, who was once considered as an ally of the gaming community, betrayed the very people who supported them. When the PSPs came out, everybody wanted them because of its beautiful features and the fact that you can hack them. And here’s where the betrayal started: Sony released the ‘demonic’ firmware — fw 2.0, which forced gamers to leave their PSPs for the DS…until they were saved by the devs — such as Dark Alex, MPH, and Yoshihiro to name a few.
This one is a megaman style game and you must fight the evil Sony minions so as you can go deeper and deeper within the recesses of the Sony HQ and destroy the ultimate boss that blocks beloved homebrews. The Sony coders take the form of bluish, alien like creatures heavily armed with their weapon — the Sonylight. You, as the hacker, take the form of a bird and you must defeat them with your own weapon — the butterball.
And speaking of weapons, the developers mentioned to us that when they update the game to another version, he plans on enabling the ‘hackers’ upgrade their weapons to weapons such as “mph 2.0 downgrader” and “the dark_alex 2.5 and 2.6 downgrader”. Now, if only this applies to real life…
UPDATE: DreaDNoughT just wrote to us (thanks again!) about some important details. Aside from the fact that he and homebrew developer, virons, concocted this game, he would also like to say that “he has made an update where the gunfire is a bit faster and the ability to take screenshots by holding the left trigger down in-game, I (he) also included an in-game screenshot” That’s was fast! So go ahead and download the slightly-updated Hackers Vs. Sony!
Download: [Hackers Vs Sony]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
A very interesting homebrew game came our way recently. DreaDNoughT wrote to us (thanks for that!) about this game that he has worked on called “Hackers Vs Sony“. The good developer together with virons (who was responsible for the gfx) slaved on this one for a week and the game is well, you guessed it – hackers going up against the Sony people.
The story revolves around how Sony, who was once considered as an ally of the gaming community, betrayed the very people who supported them. When the PSPs came out, everybody wanted them because of its beautiful features and the fact that you can hack them. And here’s where the betrayal started: Sony released the ‘demonic’ firmware — fw 2.0, which forced gamers to leave their PSPs for the DS…until they were saved by the devs — such as Dark Alex, MPH, and Yoshihiro to name a few.
This one is a megaman style game and you must fight the evil Sony minions so as you can go deeper and deeper within the recesses of the Sony HQ and destroy the ultimate boss that blocks beloved homebrews. The Sony coders take the form of bluish, alien like creatures heavily armed with their weapon — the Sonylight. You, as the hacker, take the form of a bird and you must defeat them with your own weapon — the butterball.
And speaking of weapons, the developers mentioned to us that when they update the game to another version, he plans on enabling the ‘hackers’ upgrade their weapons to weapons such as “mph 2.0 downgrader” and “the dark_alex 2.5 and 2.6 downgrader”. Now, if only this applies to real life…
UPDATE: DreaDNoughT just wrote to us (thanks again!) about some important details. Aside from the fact that he and homebrew developer, virons, concocted this game, he would also like to say that “he has made an update where the gunfire is a bit faster and the ability to take screenshots by holding the left trigger down in-game, I (he) also included an in-game screenshot” That’s was fast! So go ahead and download the slightly-updated Hackers Vs. Sony!
Download: [Hackers Vs Sony]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]