Half-price deal on invisibleSHIELD protector for PSP Slim & Lite

Shield Zone's invisibleSHIELD protector for PSP Slim & Lite - Image 1High quality screen protectors for your gaming handhelds may cost a premium at times, however, Shield Zone has a good deal for those of you who want to score some sleek protection for your PlayStation Portable Slim & Lite. Its invisibleSHIELD protector is currently offered at half-price for those of you who order it from their website and includes a lifetime warranty on the product.

For more information, read the full article after the jump!

invisibleSHIELD applied to the PlayStation Portable - Image 1Gaming handhelds tend to go through a lot of wear and tear, especially if you enjoy bringing them along anywhere you go. With the higher quality screen protector and other safety accessories costing a bit of a premium, you might be interested to know that Shield Zone is offering a half price discount to its handheld device protection film invisibleSHIELD for the Sony PlayStation Portable.

Made from a urethane film, the material is virtually scratch-proof and clearless so as to provide no obstructions while you get your game on the PSP. The good thing is that it comes with a lifetime guarantee, so gamers might want to take advantage of its current discount by getting one for your handheld.

The product is currently priced at US$ 12.48 for its full body protector and US$ 7.48 for its screen-only protector. Both prices are applicable for the PSP Slim & Lite, although invisibleSHIELD versions for other consoles and handhelds are also being offered.

For more information, you can check out Shield Zone’s website which you can access through the Via link below.

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