Halo 3 viral marketing surfaces?

Halo 3 Viral Marketing Logo - Image 1Bungie Studios could be up to their viral marketing hijinks again, this time with Halo 3 – and it all starts with the rather cryptic logo you see in the image to the right of this article.

According to Gamedrop, the logo made its very first appearance in the post of a certain boards administrator, AdjutantReflex, made on Bungie’s Halo 3 forums. Then it was sighted yet again, as a part of the image background of a very recent and very cryptic e-mail from Xbox.

While this could all be construed as mere coincidence, the logo made itself known once more, this time on the back of the T-shirts and on the placards of protesters over at Times Square.

Calling themselves the Society of The Ancients or SOTA, they yelled and ranted about the existence of aliens, as well as the alleged truth behind mysteries such as Stonehenge (of course, aliens did everything). While we can’t say for sure just yet if it IS a viral marketing strategy of Bungie’s (for all you know this is all a coincidence), we can certainly say that if it was a marketing move, then it takes a lot of creativity – as well as some far out-of-the-box thinking – to think something like this up.

More updates about this peculiar logo and all that entails as they come, and in the meantime, watch this video about aforementioned protesters in full-blown action. Enjoy!

Halo 3 Viral Marketing Logo - Image 1Bungie Studios could be up to their viral marketing hijinks again, this time with Halo 3 – and it all starts with the rather cryptic logo you see in the image to the right of this article.

According to Gamedrop, the logo made its very first appearance in the post of a certain boards administrator, AdjutantReflex, made on Bungie’s Halo 3 forums. Then it was sighted yet again, as a part of the image background of a very recent and very cryptic e-mail from Xbox.

While this could all be construed as mere coincidence, the logo made itself known once more, this time on the back of the T-shirts and on the placards of protesters over at Times Square.

Calling themselves the Society of The Ancients or SOTA, they yelled and ranted about the existence of aliens, as well as the alleged truth behind mysteries such as Stonehenge (of course, aliens did everything). While we can’t say for sure just yet if it IS a viral marketing strategy of Bungie’s (for all you know this is all a coincidence), we can certainly say that if it was a marketing move, then it takes a lot of creativity – as well as some far out-of-the-box thinking – to think something like this up.

More updates about this peculiar logo and all that entails as they come, and in the meantime, watch this video about aforementioned protesters in full-blown action. Enjoy!

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