Happy April fools day!
Yes, it’s April 1st. The day that most news sites will hide under a white sheet, too scared to post something that might be wrong because of this day. So here they are, articles that I have found that I think are fakes, someone’s idea of an April fools joke.
This site was submitted to QJ this morning, claiming the launch of GTA Chicago for the PS3 in October 2007. To be honest, i’ve had so many of these fake GTA sites, especially on April fools day, to believe any of it.
Other April fools worth a mention:
- The annual google April fool – Google Romance
- “World of Starcraft” preview at Gamespot
- Slashdots‘ pink theme
- UK government to shut down GSM networks at MobileGazette
- By popular demand: the fake 2.6 downgrader at PSP-Spot
There’s a big list of April fools’ 2006 on Wikipedia if you want to check it out.
Remember guys, have a good April fools day, but don’t believe everything you see!
Yes, it’s April 1st. The day that most news sites will hide under a white sheet, too scared to post something that might be wrong because of this day. So here they are, articles that I have found that I think are fakes, someone’s idea of an April fools joke.
This site was submitted to QJ this morning, claiming the launch of GTA Chicago for the PS3 in October 2007. To be honest, i’ve had so many of these fake GTA sites, especially on April fools day, to believe any of it.
Other April fools worth a mention:
- The annual google April fool – Google Romance
- “World of Starcraft” preview at Gamespot
- Slashdots‘ pink theme
- UK government to shut down GSM networks at MobileGazette
- By popular demand: the fake 2.6 downgrader at PSP-Spot
There’s a big list of April fools’ 2006 on Wikipedia if you want to check it out.
Remember guys, have a good April fools day, but don’t believe everything you see!