Having framerate issues in Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars? Watch these “unofficial” gameplay videos
It seems that there’s a bit of a hub-bub with the recent coming of the high-octane passenger-ferrying game, Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars on the PlayStation Portable. A poster by the name of zeo_max on the GameSpot forums recently wrote up a mini-review of the game, stating that the game was allegedly a crippled version of the original title on the Dreamcast with long, painful loading times and frame rate issues. His post, verbatim:
I just picked this up from my local EB. I’m sorry to say that there are serious frame rate issues, the image looks stretched out on the PSP’s widescreen, and it takes about one minute to load each level.
Another thing I don’t like is that for the custom soundtrack you have to convert your MP3’s to that weird format that they used in GTA: Liberty City stories for their custom soundtrack.
Needless to say, many Sega fans waiting for their own copy of the title felt disappointed by the news that Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars wasn’t as good as they had hoped. Things seemed dire, until some other posters (with copies of the game themselves) said that the game ran fine, with quick loading times and a decent frame rate.
Poster snakeboy (thanks for the tip!) also made two actual gameplay videos, in order to disprove zeo_max’s statement, and you can check them out from the video embeds below.
This serves as an important lesson – while it may be great to find out how a certain game is like from those who have already played it before purchasing a copy yourself, sometimes there’s no real way to tell unless you do play it on your own.
The other video after the jump!
It seems that there’s a bit of a hub-bub with the recent coming of the high-octane passenger-ferrying game, Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars on the PlayStation Portable. A poster by the name of zeo_max on the GameSpot forums recently wrote up a mini-review of the game, stating that the game was allegedly a crippled version of the original title on the Dreamcast with long, painful loading times and frame rate issues. His post, verbatim:
I just picked this up from my local EB. I’m sorry to say that there are serious frame rate issues, the image looks stretched out on the PSP’s widescreen, and it takes about one minute to load each level.
Another thing I don’t like is that for the custom soundtrack you have to convert your MP3’s to that weird format that they used in GTA: Liberty City stories for their custom soundtrack.
Needless to say, many Sega fans waiting for their own copy of the title felt disappointed by the news that Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars wasn’t as good as they had hoped. Things seemed dire, until some other posters (with copies of the game themselves) said that the game ran fine, with quick loading times and a decent frame rate.
Poster snakeboy (thanks for the tip!) also made two actual gameplay videos, in order to disprove zeo_max’s statement, and you can check them out from the video embeds below.
This serves as an important lesson – while it may be great to find out how a certain game is like from those who have already played it before purchasing a copy yourself, sometimes there’s no real way to tell unless you do play it on your own.
Via GameSpot forums