Haze: behind the scenes video

Haze from Ubisoft for the PlayStation 3 - Image 1 Go behind the scenes with the team behind Ubisoft‘s Haze. This new video features commentaries from the developers of the game, all the while giving us a series gameplay and story sequences.

Watch the video in the full article. You might even want to catch the confirmation of TimeSplitters 4. Haze will be released in the first quarter of 2008.

Go behind the scenes with the team behind Ubisoft‘s Haze. This new video features commentaries from the developers of the game from Free Radical Design, all the while giving us a series of gameplay and story sequences.

If you stick till the end of the video you can catch a short confirmation that the team is also working on TimeSplitters 4 and that “monkeys will inevitably be a part of it.” Now you can’t go wrong with a game featuring a playable ninja monkey.

Haze will be released on the first quarter of 2008.

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