Hellfire Citadel: Boss guides for the Hellfire Ramparts and The Blood Furnace
Need help with the your boss hunting in WoW: Burning Crusade? Well here’s a little something that we think you folks will find useful.
A WoW gamer named Rolande has posted a boss guide for the Hellfire Citadel Instances over at IGN’s WoWVault. He’s provided useful tips and strategies against the bosses that can be found at the Hellfire Ramparts and The Blood Furnace. Oh, just in case you don’t already know, the bosses for the Hellfire Ramparts include: the Watchkeeper, Omor the Unscarred, and Nazan and Varzuden, while the bosses for The Blood Furnace are: The Maker, Broggok, and Keli’Dan the Breaker.
Rolande notes that except for Nazan and Vazruden, the bosses of the Hellfire Ramparts are relatively easy if you know what to do.
As for the the Blood Furnace instance, Rolande warns that most of the bosses for the Blood Furnace are level 63 so it’s best that you are at level 61 so you can enjoy the benefits of not having them orange you. He also adds that you should watch out for rogues because they’re stealthed all over the instance.
For Rolande’s complete guide, you can use our Read link below.
Need help with the your boss hunting in WoW: Burning Crusade? Well here’s a little something that we think you folks will find useful.
A WoW gamer named Rolande has posted a boss guide for the Hellfire Citadel Instances over at IGN’s WoWVault. He’s provided useful tips and strategies against the bosses that can be found at the Hellfire Ramparts and The Blood Furnace. Oh, just in case you don’t already know, the bosses for the Hellfire Ramparts include: the Watchkeeper, Omor the Unscarred, and Nazan and Varzuden, while the bosses for The Blood Furnace are: The Maker, Broggok, and Keli’Dan the Breaker.
Rolande notes that except for Nazan and Vazruden, the bosses of the Hellfire Ramparts are relatively easy if you know what to do.
As for the the Blood Furnace instance, Rolande warns that most of the bosses for the Blood Furnace are level 63 so it’s best that you are at level 61 so you can enjoy the benefits of not having them orange you. He also adds that you should watch out for rogues because they’re stealthed all over the instance.
For Rolande’s complete guide, you can use our Read link below.