Hirai gears up for PS2-PS3 sibling rivalry in lifetime sales

Sibling rivalry - Image 1There’s no better competition than with yourself. Kaz Hirai recognizes the virtue in pushing challenges for oneself more, and so they’re doing just that with their new set goal for the PS3. What’s this new goal? Exceed PS2‘s lifetime sales. Now we all know that’s a whole lot, right?

Kaz Hirai beaming proud with PS3 - Image 1Sony certainly won’t be resting on its PS3 laurels, if Kazuo Hirai were to have it his way. Not content with just beating their own PS2 monthly sales, Sony’s chief exec has set their goals higher – as in 10 million sales higher than the PS2’s 140 Million – for the youngest of the PlayStation family, PS3.

This number is in terms of lifetime sales, and, well, they’ve got nine more years to break past the glass ceiling put up by PS2. Says Hirai, “It’s not fun for me replicating the PS2 numbers. I’ve seen that movie already.” And though that movie may have been particularly good, that shouldn’t stop you from aiming for a greater one, right?

Well, it’s still a long way to go for Hirai and the gang seeing as how they’ve barely reached ten percent towards that target. Then again, it’s only been a year since the PS3 came out, so we could cut them some slack.

Besides, with big exclusive titles like Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance: Fall of Man and LittleBigPlanet spurring further interest in owning the console, not to mention the obvious winner of the format wars, Blu-ray, we’re looking at pretty bright years ahead for the PS3. Although canceling out the equation is the loss of exclusives, like Final Fantasy XIII.

Oh well. Again, it’s too early to foretell whether or not they will meet this goal or not. But all the luck, Sony. “I want to try  and see if we can exceed the PS2 numbers after nine years, otherwise why are we in this business?”

That’s indeed a record to beat. 150 Million… whew.

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