Hitman: Blood Money movie video

Game-to-movie adaptations have always been sort of a mixed bag when it came to staying true to the source material – like, how a certain re-enacted event should play out, how this or that character should look like, and so on. Important details that any fan will look for – and it’s the same thing with the very first trailer of the Hitman: Blood Money movie, depicting our favorite hired assassin in all his glory. Black suit? Check. Red tie? Check. Awesome music? VERY CHECK. Assassin hardware? Double check.

Actor that reasonably resembles Codename 47? Sorta check.

Watch the embed to see what I mean. Granted, everything looks as it should be – they even got his insignia right. But for 47 himself, while he doesn’t look much like the severe-looking assassin we all know and love, one thing’s clear: he’s got the attitude down. Enjoy the video.

Game-to-movie adaptations have always been sort of a mixed bag when it came to staying true to the source material – like, how a certain re-enacted event should play out, how this or that character should look like, and so on. Important details that any fan will look for – and it’s the same thing with the very first trailer of the Hitman: Blood Money movie, depicting our favorite hired assassin in all his glory. Black suit? Check. Red tie? Check. Awesome music? VERY CHECK. Assassin hardware? Double check.

Actor that reasonably resembles Codename 47? Sorta check.

Watch the embed to see what I mean. Granted, everything looks as it should be – they even got his insignia right. But for 47 himself, while he doesn’t look much like the severe-looking assassin we all know and love, one thing’s clear: he’s got the attitude down. Enjoy the video.

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