Home dev team working on error codes and meanings list

PlayStation Home - Image 1Still trying your luck with logging in to Sony‘s PlayStation Home, but keep getting error codes? Don’t worry, the dev team is now making a list of the errors as well as their meanings to give out early next week. That should help you know what you’re dealing with.

PS Home - Image 1Still trying your luck with logging in to Sony‘s PlayStation Home, but keep getting error codes? Don’t worry, the dev team is now making a list of the errors as well as their meanings to give out early next week. That should help you know what you’re dealing with. That sure seems like a lot of error codes.

TedTheDog, the Home Community Manager, revealed this news over at the PlayStation Europe forums. He also said that the most reported error code is the C-931 one. In case you’re wondering, this is actually what you get when you fail to connect, and is in fact related to very high levels of traffic.

The correlation is not exactly surprising. Imagine a gung-ho crowd of football fans waiting outside the stadium for the Superbowl, and suddenly the gates are flung open. I don’t think we’d expect orderly lines trickling in, do you? Of course not, it’s gonna be a mad rush and that’s what happened to Home. Unfortunately, the doors aren’t big enough to let all of you squeeze in in one go.

So, just be patient and keep trying. Ted himself only got to connect after a few retries. We expect more news and updates to come in from Home’s second day. Keep it locked here, we’ll be bringing the bacon home to you.

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