Homebrew Browser v0.2.3a: “popular” category, new features, bug fixes
September 29, 2008
Wiibrew developer teknecal has released a new version of Homebrew Browser, the program that can let you download and update homebrew straight from your console. This version sports a new “Popular” category, several other features, as well as bug fixes. Details in the full article.
Download: Homebrew Browser v0.2.3a
Wiibrew developer teknecal has released a new version of Homebrew Browser, the program that can let you download and update homebrew straight from your console.
This version sports a new “Popular” category, several other features, as well as bug fixes. Here’s the changelog for v0.2.3a:
30 September 2008 (v0.2.3a)
- Wlan adapter should now work with the HBB
- Applications should now be detected properly
- When applications are downloaded/deleted from the popular category they will now appear correctly in other categories and vice versa
29 September 2008 (v0.2.3)
- Rebuilt with latest libfat CVS to fix delete corruption bug (thanks joedj)
- Added Popular category
- Updated HBB about information
Download: Homebrew Browser v0.2.3a
Previous version:
Via wiibrew.org