Homebrew law 101: Using a General Public License (GPL)
Zettablade is letting everybody know about a short tutorial he has over at the forums which will be dealing with how to release your homebrew applications under a General Public License, or GPL/GNU.
A GPL allows a program’s source codes to remain free and open-sourced – imagine all those mods for games like CSPSP, and you get the idea. It basically dictates that while any user may modify or even sell (yes, sell – DaX could have been a rich man by now) the original application, they are not allowed to restrict information on the app’s source code.
Moving on, the tutorial will dictate the proper format for writing a GPL license, which should be placed specifically at the head of your src files or README. By doing so, anybody who decides to either use or customize your file will first have to agree to the license agreement, hence protecting the file’s openness to the public. The tutorial also carries a sample format of a sample license, which should help you get started. Zettablade’s guide awaits below at the QJ.NET Forums!
Discuss: PSP Development Forum
Zettablade is letting everybody know about a short tutorial he has over at the forums which will be dealing with how to release your homebrew applications under a General Public License, or GPL/GNU.
A GPL allows a program’s source codes to remain free and open-sourced – imagine all those mods for games like CSPSP, and you get the idea. It basically dictates that while any user may modify or even sell (yes, sell – DaX could have been a rich man by now) the original application, they are not allowed to restrict information on the app’s source code.
Moving on, the tutorial will dictate the proper format for writing a GPL license, which should be placed specifically at the head of your src files or README. By doing so, anybody who decides to either use or customize your file will first have to agree to the license agreement, hence protecting the file’s openness to the public. The tutorial also carries a sample format of a sample license, which should help you get started. Zettablade’s guide awaits below at the QJ.NET Forums!
Discuss: PSP Development Forum