Homer’s RIN v2.0 Released
Homer has updated his modified version of RIN emulator to version 2.0. RIN was a GB/GBC emulator for PSP, originally developed by Mr. Mirakichi. After Mirakichi stopped this project for a while, Homer picked up the project, and looked especially into the 2.01+ firmware support. Here is the changelog of v2.0:
- Savestate thumbnails
- Local background selector (Press X while selecting a bmp file)
- GB Type (Allows you to select which type the rom should be played as)
- GB Color (Select which colors the GB rom should have, instead of grey)
- Local Menu Color Configuration
- Both option in Key mode
- Each rom has it’s own configuration file
*(Local = Each rom has it’s own background/menu colors because each rom has it’s own configuration file)
Download: [Homer’s RIN v2.0]
Thanks for the email heads-up, Residentevil2032!
Homer has updated his modified version of RIN emulator to version 2.0. RIN was a GB/GBC emulator for PSP, originally developed by Mr. Mirakichi. After Mirakichi stopped this project for a while, Homer picked up the project, and looked especially into the 2.01+ firmware support. Here is the changelog of v2.0:
- Savestate thumbnails
- Local background selector (Press X while selecting a bmp file)
- GB Type (Allows you to select which type the rom should be played as)
- GB Color (Select which colors the GB rom should have, instead of grey)
- Local Menu Color Configuration
- Both option in Key mode
- Each rom has it’s own configuration file
*(Local = Each rom has it’s own background/menu colors because each rom has it’s own configuration file)
Download: [Homer’s RIN v2.0]
Thanks for the email heads-up, Residentevil2032!