Homestar: 21st Century Navigator shows us stars and haikus


Gizoogle my nizzle-dizzle transizzle-ation. Before anything else, we’re going to apologize in advance if this article would have any lapses in info. We’re braving the Milky Way to give you more news about Homestar 21st Century Navigator from Google‘s English-generated translation of a Japanese article. Here’s a sample, and please note that the game’s title is translated as “touring the Sky (homestar)”:

Strictly speaking, “touring the Sky (homestar),” A game is not for any of the players do not understand the astronomical term “touring the Sky” is more like a lively astronomy textbooks. On the PSP will be able to operate through a simple understanding of all the constellations, build more than 300 objects in the CD, you are now the location of the past and future changes, and many stories of the special celestial phenomenon.

Err… Oh-kaaaaaay… Anyways, whether you understood that or not, Homestar is going to be one heck of a tour. Although it’s a “game”, it’s going to make your little handheld into a planetarium through GPS connectivity and live updates from the night sky. We’re leaving you now with more Google English, which reads more like a haiku than anything else (in short, just look at ’em screenshots!):

“Going to see a plan? This is the birth of eight million ~ 500 years ago, when the starry sky image! You can set what you want to see freedom in the past and the future.”

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Gizoogle my nizzle-dizzle transizzle-ation. Before anything else, we’re going to apologize in advance if this article would have any lapses in info. We’re braving the Milky Way to give you more news about Homestar 21st Century Navigator from Google‘s English-generated translation of a Japanese article. Here’s a sample, and please note that the game’s title is translated as “touring the Sky (homestar)”:

Strictly speaking, “touring the Sky (homestar),” A game is not for any of the players do not understand the astronomical term “touring the Sky” is more like a lively astronomy textbooks. On the PSP will be able to operate through a simple understanding of all the constellations, build more than 300 objects in the CD, you are now the location of the past and future changes, and many stories of the special celestial phenomenon.

Err… Oh-kaaaaaay… Anyways, whether you understood that or not, Homestar is going to be one heck of a tour. Although it’s a “game”, it’s going to make your little handheld into a planetarium through GPS connectivity and live updates from the night sky. We’re leaving you now with more Google English, which reads more like a haiku than anything else (in short, just look at ’em screenshots!):

“Going to see a plan? This is the birth of eight million ~ 500 years ago, when the starry sky image! You can set what you want to see freedom in the past and the future.”

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