Hometerritory Security with Rampart and Super Stardust HD

Whether it’s homeland or homeworld, the common theme between these two PlayStation Network games is that you just can’t let those damn dirty apes (or whatever) mess with you in your backyard. And the common tool of diplomacy isn’t exactly a tool of diplomacy… well it ain’t diplomacy at all.

Midway Games and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) makes the classic Rampart available for PlayStation Network gamers. If the gameplay in the trailer doesn’t QED it for you, it’s (a) build a fort, (b) emplace lots of cannons, (c) reintroduce the other guy to the Stone Age, or if they are ships in single-player, to Davy Jones (heaven help Jack later thanks to the Flying Dutchman Recruitment Program, Rampart Division).

Go from homeland defense to homeworld defense at the Full Article.

Whether it’s homeland or homeworld, the common theme between these two PlayStation Network games is that you just can’t let those damn dirty apes (or whatever) mess with you in your backyard. And the common tool of diplomacy isn’t exactly a tool of diplomacy… well it ain’t diplomacy at all.

Midway Games and Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) makes the classic Rampart available for PlayStation Network gamers. If the gameplay in the trailer doesn’t QED it for you, it’s (a) build a fort, (b) emplace lots of cannons, (c) reintroduce the other guy to the Stone Age, or if they are ships in single-player, to Davy Jones (heaven help Jack later thanks to the Flying Dutchman Recruitment Program, Rampart Division).

Sony Computer Entertainment puts you over the world and under siege with another classic update, Super Stardust HD. It’s Asteroids set on a spherical plane, first in the Amiga by Bloodhouse, and now for the PS3 in full HD. Okay, so the trailer soundtrack sounds a tad trippy, but hey, what do you expect from a game whose bad guy’s named Prof. Schaumund, and whose damsel in distress is named after Finnish margarine (in the original 1993 game)?

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