Honda interested in mass production of fuel cell cars
Honda has shown interest in mass producing eco-friendly fuel cell-using cars in the coming ten years. These cars emit no carbon dioxide get their power from the electricity produced by reaction of hydrogen and oxygen.
But they are facing a difficulty that’s keeping them from making their plans into reality. If you want to know more about Honda’s plans, click on the “read more” link.
Honda has shown interest in mass-producing fuel cell-using vehicles. In an interview, Takeo Fukui, the company’s president, said they might be able to produce them in great numbers within ten years.
These eco-friendly fuel cell vehicles do not emit carbon dioxide. Their power comes from the electricity generated by the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen.
Honda plans to set the FCX Clarity fuel cell vehicles, successor of the FCX model, on a lease basis for Japan and the United States next year.
Although these vehicles are a great idea, Honda is facing great difficulty in achieving their plans. A major problem they’re facing right now is the lack of facilities to provide hydrogen. Currently, they are developing a home-use system to provide hydrogen from natural gas. If they succeed in doing so, infrastructures to supply hydrogen would be easily established.
They don’t plan on producing electric cars because it can only travel short distances and requires a long charging time, something that’s not suitable for overseas markets that require long drives.