How to use iOS 18.1’s phone recording and translation?

Now you can record calls and get transcripts with iOS 18.1
In the iOS 18.1 beta, you can now try out call recording and transcription. How to use and what it looks like. Call recording and transcription was not available in the initial developer betas of iOS 18. It is part of the iOS 18 update. It was available in the iOS 18.1 beta, giving testers a chance to test it out. What is call transcription and recording in iOS 18.1? Call recording and transcription does two things simultaneously, as the name suggests. It records the call you are currently on. The iPhone can also transcribe your call. This is a more intelligent feature. The transcription is done automatically and covers both sides of the conversation. Apple Notes stores the call recording as well as the transcript once the call is over. You must have iOS 18.1 developer beta installed on an iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max or an iPhone 15 Pro Max to be able to use call recording transcription. These models are needed as they are the minimum specifications required for Apple Intelligence, which is responsible for the transcription. You must be on a call to start a recording. In the upper left corner, you will see an icon that shows a waveform with a circle for the recording symbol. Recording a Call in iOS 18.1Upon first pressing the icon, the user is informed that it will record the call and store it to the Notes application. The warning urges users to “respect the preferences of the person that you are calling.” After you click continue, the iPhone will play an audio warning to everyone in the call, telling them that the call is being recorded. The screen displays a recording notification, which shows the length of the call and a button for stopping the recording. All participants hear an audio notification that the call is no more being recorded. If the other party does not want to be recorded on the call, they will tell you to turn off the recording. You can expect the other party to hang up if you don’t. Call recording and transcription following the call. At the end of your call, you can click on Notes to view the most recent note. The note will have a label that says Call Recording. It will also include a date and a reminder that there is an audio recording. You’ll be greeted with a series paragraphs that were uttered during the call. The paragraphs are labeled with the speaker’s name so you can easily tell who said what. Summary button is located above the transcript. It will summarize and give a very short version of the call. Viewing the call transcription in Notes on iOS 18.1Below, you will find a timer as well as media controls to playback the recording. The transcription will highlight the relevant section of the recording as you play it. Scrolling along is possible for longer conversations. You can also tap on each section of the transcription to jump directly to that part of recording. Call recording is a simple and accurate feature. Most users can use the feature as long as they are interested enough to touch the icon in the upper-left corner of the screen during the call. It’s a feature you can easily enable and disable. The audio announcements can be jarring. They have to be loud enough for everyone to hear the announcement. You shouldn’t expect high-quality recordings when you listen to the call. It has no reason to record something with better audio quality, since it is recording something of low quality. The audio quality is sufficient to follow the call without a transcript. The transcript is divided into sections that make sense based on how the conversation flows. In our tests, accuracy was mostly good, but there were some small errors, such as “here” being transcribed “he’s.” It’s still readable. This is one of the easiest call recorders to use, and it has a transcription that is mostly accurate. Notes: Be sure to check the laws in your country regarding recording calls. You may want to spend a few moments checking the laws before using this feature. Remember that not everyone is comfortable with the idea of recording the call. It’s best to save it for situations in which a call recording or transcript would be useful, such as work and legal meetings.


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