HtmlViewMod v1.0.1
The last time we talked about TeamOverload“>TeamOverload, he said that he was quitting the PSP dev scene. Well folks, it looks like he’s back since he recently visited our forums to tell us about the release of his basic flash mod, HtmlViewMod 1.0.1. He mentions that this is a very simple mod of the file htmlviewer.fbm.
What it does is mod the default PSP bookmark in the Playstation Portable web browser to say QJPSP and it redirects you to our very own QJ Forums. Now a few reminders for y’all, this writes to the flash so use it at your own risk. He also mentions that this has been tested on Dark_AleX’s 3.03 OE-C and is only for US PSPs for now. Aside from that, he says that it’s something very simple, “but a mod nonetheless”.
His future plans for this is that he would write a guide on how you could edit it yourself. He will also be releasing version 1.10 which will have support for all PSP regions.
Anyhow, the installation procedures could be found in the readme file that comes with the download. Please do read and understand it. With that, here’s the download link.
Download: [HtmlViewMod 1.0.1]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]
The last time we talked about TeamOverload“>TeamOverload, he said that he was quitting the PSP dev scene. Well folks, it looks like he’s back since he recently visited our forums to tell us about the release of his basic flash mod, HtmlViewMod 1.0.1. He mentions that this is a very simple mod of the file htmlviewer.fbm.
What it does is mod the default PSP bookmark in the Playstation Portable web browser to say QJPSP and it redirects you to our very own QJ Forums. Now a few reminders for y’all, this writes to the flash so use it at your own risk. He also mentions that this has been tested on Dark_AleX’s 3.03 OE-C and is only for US PSPs for now. Aside from that, he says that it’s something very simple, “but a mod nonetheless”.
His future plans for this is that he would write a guide on how you could edit it yourself. He will also be releasing version 1.10 which will have support for all PSP regions.
Anyhow, the installation procedures could be found in the readme file that comes with the download. Please do read and understand it. With that, here’s the download link.
Download: [HtmlViewMod 1.0.1]
Discuss: [Forum Release Thread]