I Dream of Ninty: Nintendo Power is next Wii Channel?
In a recent interview with MTV, Nintendo boss Reggie Fils Aime dropped a hint on what other possible content we could get from their online network. Lots of other people have speculated that this could lead to an eventual Wii Channel which will provide us feeds of Nintendo Power content:
When the discussion turned to the Wii’s 24/7 online service, Fils-Aime threw a curve. Yes, the system will continue to receive new channels and downloadable games. There are other downloadable-content ideas floating around too. “We have a tremendous amount of old Nintendo Power [magazine] content, for example, that we could present to consumers as a way to get smart about Virtual Console.”
While he did mention “a tremendous amount of old NP content,” let’s stretch it further and dream on for it to include newer issues of the magazine.
Think about it. Interestingly enough, if the Wii News Channel couldn’t get any more Ninty, then a Nintendo Power Wii Channel that’s solely dedicated to give us updates on their games (like Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy – not to mention Phantom Hourglass for the DS, while we’re at it) makes us more than hopeful that it pushes through.
BTW, pic credits go to the online Metroid Database.
In a recent interview with MTV, Nintendo boss Reggie Fils Aime dropped a hint on what other possible content we could get from their online network. Lots of other people have speculated that this could lead to an eventual Wii Channel which will provide us feeds of Nintendo Power content:
When the discussion turned to the Wii’s 24/7 online service, Fils-Aime threw a curve. Yes, the system will continue to receive new channels and downloadable games. There are other downloadable-content ideas floating around too. “We have a tremendous amount of old Nintendo Power [magazine] content, for example, that we could present to consumers as a way to get smart about Virtual Console.”
While he did mention “a tremendous amount of old NP content,” let’s stretch it further and dream on for it to include newer issues of the magazine.
Think about it. Interestingly enough, if the Wii News Channel couldn’t get any more Ninty, then a Nintendo Power Wii Channel that’s solely dedicated to give us updates on their games (like Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy – not to mention Phantom Hourglass for the DS, while we’re at it) makes us more than hopeful that it pushes through.
BTW, pic credits go to the online Metroid Database.