I Scream, You Scream, Wii all scream for… cake?

Wii cakes

The Wii fever is obviously still on even after demos of Wii games at E3, and it’s really contagious. People just can’t get enough of the Wii and its motion sensitive controller. Cakes shaped like Nintendo Wii controllers were baked for, well, fun.  Just plain fun (or perhaps this is a manifestation of people’s desire to get their hands on the game console).

Unfortunately, Nintendo fans will have to live with these imitations of the Wiimote until the next-gen’s release. (But I’m seriously hoping Nintendo releases the Wii very soon.)

So go! Have your cake and eat it too, and appreciate the fact that there wasn’t a single Wii pun in this article… alright, maybe the title, but you can overlook that, right?

Wii cakes

The Wii fever is obviously still on even after demos of Wii games at E3, and it’s really contagious. People just can’t get enough of the Wii and its motion sensitive controller. Cakes shaped like Nintendo Wii controllers were baked for, well, fun.  Just plain fun (or perhaps this is a manifestation of people’s desire to get their hands on the game console).

Unfortunately, Nintendo fans will have to live with these imitations of the Wiimote until the next-gen’s release. (But I’m seriously hoping Nintendo releases the Wii very soon.)

So go! Have your cake and eat it too, and appreciate the fact that there wasn’t a single Wii pun in this article… alright, maybe the title, but you can overlook that, right?

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