IC DrawingBoard v0.1 for firmware 2.7

We’re a little late on this one thanks to all the E3 madness, but now PSP owners with firmware version 2.7 can live out all their crazy “MS-Paint” fantasies on-the-go. fblade1987 from our forums has posted a wonderful little app that will allow you to do some simple drawing and painting.  While it’s not very complete at the moment, it is quite functional and it seems that he has much more planned for it in the future.  Here are the program’s current list a features, and features that he plans on implementing, as he listed them:

What’s it got?
as this is my first release it hasn’t got much at all, at the moment all it basically allows you to do is

  1. 12 different colours to choose from
  2. a drawing area
  3. and erase button

what i plan to have in next releases

  1. a undo button
  2. a save feature (to gif) if possible
  3. different strokes
  4. and different background colours
  5. more colour choice
  6. lock the drawing area

Thanks fblade1987!

Download: [IC DrawingBoard v0.1]

We’re a little late on this one thanks to all the E3 madness, but now PSP owners with firmware version 2.7 can live out all their crazy “MS-Paint” fantasies on-the-go. fblade1987 from our forums has posted a wonderful little app that will allow you to do some simple drawing and painting.  While it’s not very complete at the moment, it is quite functional and it seems that he has much more planned for it in the future.  Here are the program’s current list a features, and features that he plans on implementing, as he listed them:

What’s it got?
as this is my first release it hasn’t got much at all, at the moment all it basically allows you to do is

  1. 12 different colours to choose from
  2. a drawing area
  3. and erase button

what i plan to have in next releases

  1. a undo button
  2. a save feature (to gif) if possible
  3. different strokes
  4. and different background colours
  5. more colour choice
  6. lock the drawing area

Thanks fblade1987!

Download: [IC DrawingBoard v0.1]

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