ID3PSP v1.0 Released!
TheEmulatorGuy from our forums has released v1.0 of his ID3PSP homebrew application today. Although coinciding with the release of ID3lib v0.9, this uses none of the code from ID3lib and has all been coded by TheEmulatorGuy himself. ID3PSP is an MP3 ID3 tag editor/reader for the PSP which allows you to change ID3 tags without leaving the comfort of your PSP. It currently supports ID3v1 reading and editing and ID3v2 reading; although currently it will not display tags with padding correctly.
Here’s how to use it, straight from TheEmulatorGuy himself:
“Press circle to edit a ID3v1 tag. For genre+track number, use the up/down arrows to change. For others, use left/right arrows to decide which character to change, and up/down to change it. If you would like to delete a character, press square. To save, press circle, or to discard changes, press cross.
Although v1.0, TheEmulatorGuy is working on a brand new GUI and a new system for editing, as he realises that it is a little tricky to edit them at the moment; so you can expect another more functional release soon, so treat this as a beta.
Download: [ID3PSP v1.0]
TheEmulatorGuy from our forums has released v1.0 of his ID3PSP homebrew application today. Although coinciding with the release of ID3lib v0.9, this uses none of the code from ID3lib and has all been coded by TheEmulatorGuy himself. ID3PSP is an MP3 ID3 tag editor/reader for the PSP which allows you to change ID3 tags without leaving the comfort of your PSP. It currently supports ID3v1 reading and editing and ID3v2 reading; although currently it will not display tags with padding correctly.
Here’s how to use it, straight from TheEmulatorGuy himself:
“Press circle to edit a ID3v1 tag. For genre+track number, use the up/down arrows to change. For others, use left/right arrows to decide which character to change, and up/down to change it. If you would like to delete a character, press square. To save, press circle, or to discard changes, press cross.
Although v1.0, TheEmulatorGuy is working on a brand new GUI and a new system for editing, as he realises that it is a little tricky to edit them at the moment; so you can expect another more functional release soon, so treat this as a beta.
Download: [ID3PSP v1.0]