Implementia launches PSOne/PS2 and PS3 compatibility website

PS3 - Image 1Danish company Implementia has officially launched, a third-party website that lists PSOne and PS2 games and their current level of compatibility with the PS3. The website has around 13,500 PSOne and PS2 titles listed in alphabetical order. The backwards compatibility level of these titles are based on users’ experiences.

“Since the beta release a month ago the site has already had 17, 000 hits. ThatÂ’s great news for all us PS3-owners. It underlines the need for an impartial compatibility site. Everything else is letting the wolf guard the sheep”, said Jesper Joensson, the website’s co-founder.

“Many use the site for checking changes in firmware compatibility. Newer firmware doesn’t necessarily mean better compatibility, so before upgrading they make sure their games are as compatible with the new firmware version as the old.”

PS3 - Image 1Danish company Implementia has officially launched, a third-party website that lists PSOne and PS2 games and their current level of compatibility with the PS3. The website has around 13,500 PSOne and PS2 titles listed in alphabetical order. The backwards compatibility level of these titles are based on users’ experiences.

“Since the beta release a month ago the site has already had 17, 000 hits. ThatÂ’s great news for all us PS3-owners. It underlines the need for an impartial compatibility site. Everything else is letting the wolf guard the sheep”, said Jesper Joensson, the website’s co-founder.

“Many use the site for checking changes in firmware compatibility. Newer firmware doesn’t necessarily mean better compatibility, so before upgrading they make sure their games are as compatible with the new firmware version as the old.”

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