Introducing Medivh
Remember Medivh? He’s the story teller of the latest installment to the long running Warcraft series for the PC, Warcraft III. Yes, the prophet dude. WoW Insider tells us more of the story behind Medivh.
Now we all know that Medivh was responsible for the opening of the Dark Portal, bringing the Horde of Orcs into Azeroth. It soon became known as the First War.
Now this “Last Guardian” was a guardian of Tirisfal and son of Aegwynn, another guardian in the Council of Tirisfal. 70 years prior to World of Warcraft, Aegwynn fought the titan Sargeras, only to be planted with his essence. This essence took over Medivh at age 20, giving Sargeras control of him. He was coerced to destroy the humans of Azeroth.
He travelled to Draenor (the focus of the Burning Crusade world since its launch) convinced Gul’dan, legendary warlock of the Orcish Horde, to invade Azeroth as repayment to being informed of the whereabouts of Sargeras’ Tomb. Aegwynn soon found out of Medivh’s mischief and finally was forced to fight him.
Medivh won and banished his own mother from his sight. Unfortunately for him, Khadgar confirmed his suspicions and together with childhood friends Llane and Lothar, Horde emissary Garona Halforcen and the humans of Azeroth, fought Medivh until his slain by Khadgar himself.
Then the epic story of the struggle against Lord Archimonde begins. Only this time, we know Medivh’s wrongdoings in the past in greater detail – so detailed in fact, that everything seems to fall right into place. We’re all a little smarter now.
Click on the Read link below to read the biography of the Last Guardian in greater detail.
Remember Medivh? He’s the story teller of the latest installment to the long running Warcraft series for the PC, Warcraft III. Yes, the prophet dude. WoW Insider tells us more of the story behind Medivh.
Now we all know that Medivh was responsible for the opening of the Dark Portal, bringing the Horde of Orcs into Azeroth. It soon became known as the First War.
Now this “Last Guardian” was a guardian of Tirisfal and son of Aegwynn, another guardian in the Council of Tirisfal. 70 years prior to World of Warcraft, Aegwynn fought the titan Sargeras, only to be planted with his essence. This essence took over Medivh at age 20, giving Sargeras control of him. He was coerced to destroy the humans of Azeroth.
He travelled to Draenor (the focus of the Burning Crusade world since its launch) convinced Gul’dan, legendary warlock of the Orcish Horde, to invade Azeroth as repayment to being informed of the whereabouts of Sargeras’ Tomb. Aegwynn soon found out of Medivh’s mischief and finally was forced to fight him.
Medivh won and banished his own mother from his sight. Unfortunately for him, Khadgar confirmed his suspicions and together with childhood friends Llane and Lothar, Horde emissary Garona Halforcen and the humans of Azeroth, fought Medivh until his slain by Khadgar himself.
Then the epic story of the struggle against Lord Archimonde begins. Only this time, we know Medivh’s wrongdoings in the past in greater detail – so detailed in fact, that everything seems to fall right into place. We’re all a little smarter now.
Click on the Read link below to read the biography of the Last Guardian in greater detail.