iPhone homebrew – iMood v1.1

iPhone homebrew - Image 1Dominic Wroblewski’s homebrew app iMood lets you do two things: make large scrolling banners or display an emoticon and a short message on your iPhone or iPod Touch’s screen that you can show to others. More details on this free app after the jump.

iMood - Image 1Dominic Wroblewski’s homebrew app iMood lets you do two things: make large scrolling banners or display an emoticon and a short message on your iPhone or iPod Touch’s screen that you can show to others.

As Apple iPhone School explains it, these options can be accessed by going into either the Moods or Chat options on the app’s main page.

The former lets you select a mood such as Happy or Sad and then type a short message. Once you’re done, you can choose Show to display the emoticon and your short message on your device’s screen.

The latter option (the Chat one, in case you were wondering), is the one that lets you make a scrolling banner. It works kinda like the old Marquee Windows screensaver. You enter text, select a background, set the duration and voila! Your scrolling banner is ready.

iMood is a free app and can be downloaded through Cydia.

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Via Apple iPhone School

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