iPhone Weekend Warrior – more games, a rumor, and an interesting approach on piracy

iPhone Weekend Warrior - Image 1This week on the iPhone – high profile names are turning up at the App Store. The list includes Terminator, Resident Evil, X-Men Origins, and even Final Fantasy. Now that’s some serious iPhone gaming right there. And if you thought that the hardware rumor-fest was only limited to Sony and Microsoft, you’d be wrong. Apparently, there’s one coming for the iPhone as well. Catch all that and more on this week’s iPhone Weekend Warrior!

iPhone Weekend Warrior - Image 1

This week on the iPhone – high profile names are turning up at the App Store. The list includes Terminator, Resident Evil, X-Men Origins, and even Final Fantasy. Now that’s some serious iPhone gaming right there. And if you thought that the hardware rumor-fest was only limited to Sony and Microsoft, you’d be wrong. Apparently, there’s one coming for the iPhone as well. Catch all that and more on this week’s iPhone Weekend Warrior!

We have the usual haul of iPhone and iPod Touch games again this week, but this patch seems to be a bit more high-profile than last week’s. Check ’em out.

iPhone joins the rumorama:

With all sorts of rumors floating around the gaming scene – we’ve got a new handheld for Microsoft, a Slim PS3, and a Go! PSP, it seems the iPhone is getting a new one as well, according to a Chinese site WeiPhone. The rumored iPhone model MB717LL is said to have a rather hefty 32GB storage space. Link

An interesting approach to piracy:

Unless you were born yesterday or crawled out of the rock you’ve been living under for years, you’d know that software devs are at wit’s end trying to come up with a solution to them piratin’ scallywags. In the case of this first time iPhone game developer, he didn’t waste his time trying to come up with an iron-clad barrier to protect his stuff that hackers will always find a way to break, he takes a more subtle approach, and his take on piracy makes a rather insightful read. Link


  • iUSB Tunnel v1.2.0 is a simple GUI that should make SSH, VNC, and Tethering much easier for iPhone users with a USB or a Windows PC. Link

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